Minimal Working ExampleΒΆ

This is a quick guide for creating and running a simple pipeline to extract call features for daily and night epochs of one participant monitored on the US East coast.

  1. Make sure your database connection credentials in .env are correct. See step 1 of Usage Section.
  2. Create at least one participant file p01 under data/external/. See step 2 of Usage Section.
  3. Make sure your Conda (python) environment is active. See step 6 of Installation.
  4. Modify the following settings in the config.yaml file with the values shown below (leave all other settings as they are)
PIDS: [p01]

DAY_SEGMENTS: &day_segments
    [daily, night]

TIMEZONE: &timezone

DATABASE_GROUP: &database_group
    MY_GROUP (change this if you added your DB credentials to .env with a different label)

    COMPUTE: True
    DB_TABLE: calls (only change DB_TABLE if your database calls table has a different name)

For more information on the calls sensor see Calls

  1. Run the following command to execute RAPIDS

    snakemake -j1
  2. Daily and night call metrics will be found in files under the data/processed/p01/ directory.